Red Kings Capital, Inc

Investment Strategies

Long/Short Equity

The Red Kings Capital Growth Fund (RKCGF) is a proprietary trading fund created exclusively for firm and trader use—strictly non-investable. Our strategy in this fund leverages a blend of long and short equity positions, focusing on scalping U.S. small-cap equities with daily high-frequency trading. We target the day’s leading gappers, biggest winners, and major losers, and dynamically adjust our positions to seize short-term price inefficiencies and momentum shifts.

Short selling also plays a pivotal role in our fund and allows us to capitalize on rapid downturns, giving us strong protection against potential losses. With a disciplined approach to risk management, we’re able to minimize volatility and maintain consistent performance. Live performance tracking for the RKCGF is streamed across all platforms, offering full transparency into our results.

If you enjoy a more fast-paced and innovative style of trading, you will really appreciate the nature and dynamic of the RKCGF.